
Special Mentions

9/11 Tribute
We remember all of those who perished at the World Trade Center more than 20 years ago.

We also remember those, including our first-responder colleagues, who continue to suffer and die as a result of the injuries they sustained on that day.

Eddie Van Halen Tribute
More than 3 years ago, we lost one of the world's great rock guitarists: Eddie Van Halen. Not only was he a rock music icon, he also collaborated with musicians across several genres from all over the world. We believe, that had he lived longer, it would just have been a matter of time before it would be him and a piper on stage, making magic and making history.

Well, Eddie is gone, but Seumas would like to offer this tribute to his creativity and virtuosity, a short vision of what that union between the Franken Strat and the Highland Pipes might have sounded like. Enjoy!